Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Here it is!!!

The Big Reveal is HERE!!!


 Gold stars for everyone that can spot the fluffy one helping me put the finishing touches on everything!

Here are my blue, green, and purple work tables, word wall, math shelf and computer table looking at the back of the room.
My desk and stuff and more stuff.

 Math workshop and calendar board.
 Fin-tastic work board, bucket seats, rocking chair, listening center, and centers board.
 Looking over the center board into the library.
 And finally.... SHARK PILLOWS!!!



  1. Your classroom is too cute! I love the library!!! Thanks for linking up!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  2. Looks great! Love the chairs and pillows in the reading corner.
    And I found the cutie helping you.

    Papers, Pencils and Books, Oh My!

  3. Your classroom is beautiful! I love your blue wall and library baskets!
